Chamber Artists
Since the shelter in place order, ICA musicians have been performing at home alone and together through various miracles of technology. This time of pandemic has shown us how ICA's mission is essential to humanity. Sometimes we don't know how important something is until we can't have it anymore. We now crave live, beautiful music shared with others in an intimate setting. You are important to us. We invite you to reflect on what ICA's importance is in your life, as well.
Just like our live concerts, our "Couch Concerts" are free. Please consider making a $15 donation to support our mission by clicking on the "Donate" tab above. We are counting on your generous gift to continue bringing music to our community!
Marguerite Lynn Williams, ICA harpist, performs Dvorak Song to the Moon
Yukie Ota, ICA harpist, performs an aria excerpt from Bach's St. Matthew Passion
Keith Buncke, ICA bassoonist, performs Weissenborn's Trio with his Chicago Symphony Orchestra compatriots Bill Buchman and Miles Maner
Youming Chen, ICA violist, performs the quintet section of Schubert's Octet
Here's a recent video of Jocelyn Butler, ICA cellist, playing with Jennifer Hudson at Kobe Bryant's Memorial Service.​
Youming Chen, ICA violist, paying tribute to his wife Alice and all those parents who became homeschool teachers with "Linus and Lucy"!
Chelsea French, ICA trombonist, performs "Over the Rainbow"
Mike Brozick, ICA's trumpeter, is heard in this Lyric Opera Orchestra video
Both Yukie Ota, ICA's flutist, and Mike Brozick, ICA's trumpeter perform here
Bravi, tutti! We hope you'll consider making a donation to ICA to support our mission. All amounts will help! DONATE NOW!
Click here​ to enjoy from your couch at home!
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